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Types of Alpha Hydroxy Acids for the skin: AHA and HYALURONIC ACID
An acid is any molecule that can donate protons in aqueous solution. This quality is possessed by molecules of a very different nature and with different properties, but in skin care they are very common, which we explain below.

Hydroxy acids
The skin is made up of several layers, the outermost being the stratum corneum, which is made up of dead cells. The stratum corneum is continually renewed, and dead cells are continually shed from its surface (even if you may not realize it) in a process called desquamation. In general, the epidermis is renewed in its entirety every 30 days or so, so it is as if we shed skin every 30 days. After 25 years of age, this rate of renewal slows down, and together with other factors this determines that the first signs of aging begin to form: first expression lines, less uniform and duller tone, rougher texture ...
It is precisely here where hydroxy acids come into action, which are acidic molecules that through different mechanisms increase the speed of the cell renewal cycle and remove dead cells from the surface of the stratum corneum, promoting desquamation and a more uniform and luminous skin. In other words, they exfoliate the skin. This exfoliation is more indirect than mechanical exfoliation (which is done using exfoliating particles, such as sugar) but at the same time, it is softer.
Within the hydroxy acids, there are alpha hydroxy acids (also called AHAs)
Alpha Hydroxy Acid AHAs (glycolic and lactic acids ...) have properties as tone unifiers and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, which is why they are often recommended as anti-aging ingredients for all skin types, promoting the production of collagen and elastin . They are soluble in water and glycolic and lactic acids are humectants, so that they slow the loss of transepidermal water. They also provide luminosity. Among them, glycolic is the most powerful (and the smallest, so it penetrates the skin more easily).

Hyaluronic acid has the ability to retain water in a percentage equivalent to thousands of times its weight. That is why it is used for the super hydration of the epidermis since it reconstitutes the fibers that support the skin tissues. Giving a better shape to the skin.
together the AHA + HYALURONIC ACID are the best allies to combat wrinkles.

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